Thursday, July 22, 2010

So This Is The Real Reason

Let me tell you something about this article. PATHETIC. Lame, and most of all ridiculous. Articles like these are the worst. What do they tell us about America? People are dumb. (read these next two sentences in a whiny girl voice) Don't eat the apple, buy organic. Filter your water, buy lean meats.
One thing that America is just terrible about it filtered water. If the water wasn't safe to begin with you would be told. It's happened before where they tell counties to boil there water because they have to get the filter system fixed or something. But no. People see that something is "safer for them to drink" so they flock to it.
Buy organic? So you can pay more for a smaller product that's not any more healthy and possibly bug infested? This article tells you that there are pesticides that are going to make you fat from eating a vegetable or fruit. I laugh in there face. O my, o my. I don't understand how people come up with these things. Most of the dirt on a fruit is from people picking it up at the grocery store then putting it back. Wash your fruits and veggies dummies. There is a great product out there call FIT. It really works wonders try it sometime I dare you.
What gets me is that it says that traditional diets don't work anymore. What a joke. Eat a good balance of the food groups, work on your cardio, and do some weight lifting and you will lose weight. Have you seen the Biggest Loser? They eat apples and they still lose weight. Now you tell me that they train every day for six hours and and they are in a competition and blah blah blah. You don't have to lose that much weight that fast to be successful. All you have to do is stick with your diet and excercise and never give up.
Most diets eventually stop working because your body gets used to them after a time. So keep your excersices changing and your diet correct and stick with it. That's the issue people always have. They do it for three months then don't see the end result that they want so they stop. No, no, no. Do it for a year or two and you'll get to where you want to be.
Seriously you thought you were getting fat because the apple you were eating and the water your drinking? What a joke.