Saturday, November 21, 2009


All right about time. These guys are going to create a black hole. No there going to create a new world. No there going to create anit-matter. Well whatever they create it's a good thing they did it. It will be interesting to see what will happen when they do get this thing to work. Really though what is it going to solve? The world is going to not believe in God anymore? Is that what they are trying to prove? I don't know what they are trying to prove, actually they don't even know what they are trying to prove, but it's a good thing that they are going to prove it.
You can save time by making a schedule then working backwards. Or you can just make a list of what you need to do and do it without procrastinating.
Oprah is off the air. About time. Have I ever watched Oprah? No. So I care if she leaves T.V.? No. Really who cares? Maybe people will decide that they can live there own lives now instead of living through someone else's. I'm thinking that if we all just worried about ourselves and used common sense then this is just a guess but i do imagine that we would be a less controversial world.
Until then America will just make stupid laws and worry about things that aren't real and we will all live in a world of scare. Or you could be like me (I know who would want to) and realize that all these things are things that don't matter.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who Would Have Thunk?

Those silly Californians.  What is there deal?  I think what they do politically should not be allowed to be shared with the rest of the country.  It's just over the top.  On one hand i do see a point.  And thats the money saving part of it.  But if they would just realize themselves that they are allowed to turn off the T.V. then maybe some stupid law wouldn't force these silly regulations.  Turn it off and get a life would they please.  It's really not that hard to not watch the television I promise.  
Ok I haven't posted in a while, sorry about that I got a job.  
Nicolas Cage is serious about his money manager.  HAHA.  O my that kills me.  If he was so bad then Mr. Cage should have fired him many years ago.  I'm talking about before Nick didn't have enough to buy: four yachts, 15 homes, 22 cars, 47 pieces of artwork and exotic items, and just on the side he did make two small purchases,  both being castles in England. 
I used to stand up for Nicolas.  Many of my peers think that he is a terrible actor but I have always liked his movies.  Now I don't care what people say about him because he is quite the idiot to try and get 20 million from his money manager who is counter suing for just the 129 thousand that Mr. Cage has not yet paid him for this years salary. 
And then we have Mrs. Palin.  O why, why do we still have her?  What significance does she still have that she is on Oprah?  It's sickening.  Let her be.  Oprah actually asked Sarah if her very own son was invited to Thanksgiving.  That's just plain wrong.  Who does that on national television.  Silly Oprah, of course.  That woman could literally kill someone on stage with some type of justification and more than millions of people would watch it and love it and worship her still.  It's just sickening.  
On a lighter note.  The best toothbrush ever to used by me is Oral B crossed action toothbrush.  It is the only toothbrush that easily removes frosted mini wheats from the very back molars.  So sleep on that.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here You Go

Spiritual questions require spiritual answers.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Who's Not Tired Of It?

The news makes me so angry I am sick of reading it and commenting on it.  People get scared over nothing all the time.  It's just sickening that everything over the news is scared.  People I guess like living in fear and they like being afraid of the world.  Beef recalls, ecoli has been found in 12 people o no.  School systems are cracking down on people bringing harmless items to school.  In California one neighbor is suing another because they say the cigar and cigarette smoke it settling and creating a fog over their back porch and not leaving.  Has anyone ever heard of that?  And wouldn't going over to the neighbor and talking to them maybe fix something?  Of course not.  Only the courts can solve peoples problems that's why we have courts duh.   Here is the one thing that I wish people would realize.  People are different.  If they don't see how you see it then move on and find someone who will appreciate you and let the other people be.  Is that really so hard to do?  
When you find yourself in a situation where your about to get angry or stress out immensely step back and ask yourself.  REALLY?? DO I CARE?  My favorite question to ask myself is.  Will this effect me next week, month, or year?  And if i say no to any of those then usually I just let it go.  More people need to do the same.