Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who Would Have Thunk?

Those silly Californians.  What is there deal?  I think what they do politically should not be allowed to be shared with the rest of the country.  It's just over the top.  On one hand i do see a point.  And thats the money saving part of it.  But if they would just realize themselves that they are allowed to turn off the T.V. then maybe some stupid law wouldn't force these silly regulations.  Turn it off and get a life would they please.  It's really not that hard to not watch the television I promise.  
Ok I haven't posted in a while, sorry about that I got a job.  
Nicolas Cage is serious about his money manager.  HAHA.  O my that kills me.  If he was so bad then Mr. Cage should have fired him many years ago.  I'm talking about before Nick didn't have enough to buy: four yachts, 15 homes, 22 cars, 47 pieces of artwork and exotic items, and just on the side he did make two small purchases,  both being castles in England. 
I used to stand up for Nicolas.  Many of my peers think that he is a terrible actor but I have always liked his movies.  Now I don't care what people say about him because he is quite the idiot to try and get 20 million from his money manager who is counter suing for just the 129 thousand that Mr. Cage has not yet paid him for this years salary. 
And then we have Mrs. Palin.  O why, why do we still have her?  What significance does she still have that she is on Oprah?  It's sickening.  Let her be.  Oprah actually asked Sarah if her very own son was invited to Thanksgiving.  That's just plain wrong.  Who does that on national television.  Silly Oprah, of course.  That woman could literally kill someone on stage with some type of justification and more than millions of people would watch it and love it and worship her still.  It's just sickening.  
On a lighter note.  The best toothbrush ever to used by me is Oral B crossed action toothbrush.  It is the only toothbrush that easily removes frosted mini wheats from the very back molars.  So sleep on that.

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