Monday, November 2, 2009

Who's Not Tired Of It?

The news makes me so angry I am sick of reading it and commenting on it.  People get scared over nothing all the time.  It's just sickening that everything over the news is scared.  People I guess like living in fear and they like being afraid of the world.  Beef recalls, ecoli has been found in 12 people o no.  School systems are cracking down on people bringing harmless items to school.  In California one neighbor is suing another because they say the cigar and cigarette smoke it settling and creating a fog over their back porch and not leaving.  Has anyone ever heard of that?  And wouldn't going over to the neighbor and talking to them maybe fix something?  Of course not.  Only the courts can solve peoples problems that's why we have courts duh.   Here is the one thing that I wish people would realize.  People are different.  If they don't see how you see it then move on and find someone who will appreciate you and let the other people be.  Is that really so hard to do?  
When you find yourself in a situation where your about to get angry or stress out immensely step back and ask yourself.  REALLY?? DO I CARE?  My favorite question to ask myself is.  Will this effect me next week, month, or year?  And if i say no to any of those then usually I just let it go.  More people need to do the same.

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