Thursday, October 29, 2009

Depressing Really

You know what is heard about every day in the news?  Stupid, stupid consequences for the most ridiculous things.  This people are so outrageously overly concerned about that the one time it happens someone has to be overly punished for it.  Like the kid that brought the camping utensil to school.  Or today I heard about a girl in 5th grade that brought shotgun shells, not bullets, just shells to school and got suspended because they were considered ammunition.  I didn’t know that shells could be fired twice.  Riddle me that. 

Now the term Christmas tree is being questioned.  It is now a holiday tree.  My question is why?  I’m going to just throw this out there.  Why is it that no other celebrated term is not discriminated against?  The reason corporate places say happy holidays is because they wanted to take out the Christmas term. Is it still ok to wish a happy Kwanzaa, or a happy Hanukkah or anything else, or is Christmas the only thing that is being taken out?  Last time I looked most people in America were ok with being told Merry Christmas.  Is this not a land of the free?  We’ll they took away my right to buy a Christmas tree and I want it back.  

I think the thing that gets me is the fact that someone cared enough to go through the effort to make a big enough issue to write up a document and have it voted on to take away the sayings.  I can’t believe this guy cared this much.  I’ll bet you it’s because someone didn’t want their kid seeing something.  It all has to go back to authority and someone wanting power and the only thing that makes sense in my mind would be that.  

Please continue to say Merry Christmas to people you meet.  Don’t even jokingly correct your self with the happy holidays saying.  Continue the american tradition and what you know is right by telling everyone, Merry Christmas.  That is unless you know for a fact that they celebrate something else.


  1. "Is it still ok to wish a happy Kwanzaa, or a happy Hanukkah or anything else, or is Christmas the only thing that is being taken out?"

    No, the statement Happy Holidays also prevents the saying of these terms. As for the Christmas tree deal, Its still a Christmas tree, and always will be, ppl will make a fuss about it, but there arguments wont make sense, How many Tree's at all are used in Kwanzaa or Hanukkah. Its sumthing that is unique to the Christmas celebration.

    "The reason corporate places say happy holidays is because they wanted to take out the Christmas term."

    The reason they do this, is to prevent themselves from getting sewed. Its a quick buck for some one who is jewish to sew their boss for saying merry Xmas, REligious Discrimination and what not.

    On thos same lines, no where does any legislative wtite, or any other body/orginization, prevent or make illigale, the use merry Xmas.

  2. Xmas takes out the word Christ. Satan still wins.
