Friday, October 16, 2009

Isn't That Nice?

Wondering why my background is black?  Me neither.  I did choose black because all the other templates are lame.  Then I realized I’m going green.  Ever heard of Blackle?  Try going to  Google decided to make there page a black background instead of white because it saves energy.  Really?? WHO CARES.  They even tell you how much energy they are saving right on that page.   

I gotta be honest.  I do enjoy using it only because my eyes adjust to the black better than the white.  But really?  I guess people are doing all the ridiculous and littlest things they can to save our earth.  

 Keep at it because one day were going to look back and say if we didn’t have Blackle (and me, since so many people visit my blog) saving all those Watt hours, the world would have already ended.

1 comment:

  1. Often when I change a poopy diaper I think of those die hard green people who, though amid the miraculous modern conveniences of things like... plastic, choose to use cloth diapers and wash out each one at a rate which I can only assume is at least daily and I think they are crazy. Seriously, of all things that should be allowed to muck up the land fills, I think diapers can safely be at the top of the list.

    OH and by the way- reading with a black background actually does the opposite for my eyes and it's not long before I feel like I'm staring into one of those old '80s pop up-hidden object painting type things.
