Sunday, October 11, 2009

Enough's Enough

I can’t believe I’m writing about this.  People are actually looking into this 2012 ordeal.  Really?  People actually think that this sorta thing is predictable?  HAHA, I laugh at you in your face.  Ok, so we ask the Mayans what they think.  And just as I thought they don’t care either.  Lay off it.  WHO CARES?  

"The question I would ask these guys is, so what?" says Phil Plait, an astronomer who runs the "Bad Astronomy" blog. He says the alignment doesn't fall precisely in 2012, and distant stars exert no force that could harm Earth. (from the link I sent you to)

My man Phil is so right on this one

There calender is going to end then somehow they will get a new one.  Who would have thought?

What are you going to do about it anyway?  Go to church more?  Good thats what you should have been doing all your life.  Stock up on food and shelter waayy underground and keep plenty of batteries and lots of appliances that run off of them?  You can't stop it if it is going to happen and you can't live if it does happen and it's not going to happen.  And thats what I thought, you don’t care either.  

Face it your going to die one day there is not one way to stop it.  As for 2012 this thing is going to blow up right before it happens and then when the day is past no one will care anymore.  REALLY?? WHO CARES.  Exactly.  Point proven.  Now enjoy living till 2013 and beyond.

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