Sunday, October 11, 2009

Relax, GOSH

Seriously RELAX.  The man has a few years to get it done.  (imagine me saying this my voice is normal tone at first and by the end it is loud and energetic) He's not super man and democracy doesn't do everything in one day it's not how the system works.  HE'S BEEN IN OFFICE FOR NOT EVEN NINE MONTHS.  CALM DOWN.  He knows it's on the agenda.  If you want him to get things done let him do it.  May I remind you that our country is at war whether you like it or not and thats what he's taking care of and it's what he should be taking care of.  Why do you think other countries like the guy so much?  Because of his foreign issues stance duh.  So what has he been doing the last eight months?  Working on those issues duh.  
People, open your eyes and let him deal with what needs to be dealt with first.  There are people dying in the military and your worried about your gay friend being able to tell someone!  Don't you realize that the gay guy fighting for the United States of America could just die tomorrow and then it doesn't even matter if he's gay.  GOOLLLY.  People, look at the issues that matter and quit being selfish.  
You think a march on Washington is going to do what?  Nothing exactly.  and the sad thing is you know it.  The people marching know that it's not going to happen over night if at all so why do it?  WHO CARES??  Not the people in Washington i can tell you that.  For a lot of people it probably wants them to care less if they even can.
 On the flip side I say there right.  Who cares if the guy next to you tells you he's gay.  I can only imagine that he's the one thats going to get picked on and beat with soap in the sock, and the guys will make him shower alone.  O darn someone's feelings got hurt.  Don't even get me started on that subject.  Send me an address and I'll get you a free copy when the book comes out.
So take a step back and lets focus on what really needs to be taken care of here.  My stomach just growled at me and I'm going to feed it.

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