Monday, October 19, 2009

You Gotta Be Kidding

Don’t microwave your food it’s going to kill the nutrients.  Since thats what americans care about.  First off microwaver’s ( people who use the microwave for anything that involves heating up food.  Im talking these people would microwave cakes if they could) don’t care about nutrients.  If they did care they wouldn’t be buying microwaveable food!  O, that makes to much sense to put in the news.  

Here’s a news flash, steaming vegetables takes nutrients out of them too.  Did I break some peoples hearts?  Santa’s not real either.  I guess the only way to eat food is raw.  Uncooked so we get all the nutrients.  If your not getting all the nutrients possible then your not going to live.  If you care that much take a vitamin.  Food just isn’t what it used to be folks.  We need to start finding alternative food sources or the planet is going to fail.     Somebody please just end this now before it goes way to far.  Seriously.... WHO CARES? "Organic for nutrients and safety" is my favorite. 

“What you may be saving in money now on commercial produce you are surely losing in health later.”  This makes me laugh.  Your really going to add significant time to your life if you eat organic food.  Just ask anyone who lives to be older than 90 what the secret to a long life is.  They’ll be more than sure to tell you that it’s eating organic vegetables.   

Use FIT if you want to clean your vegetables.  It’s by far outrageously the best cleaner on the market. Eventually we’re going to have microwaves labeled “nutrient friendly,” and “organic microwaves.”  Thats just another invention I came up with that I won’t be putting into production and somebody else will make millions on. 

But, until then I’m just going to ask my one day famous question.  When it comes to “should I microwave my vegetables or not” REALLY?? WHO CARES.

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