Thursday, October 22, 2009

Worked Up Over Nothing

This is something that I absolutely hate people complain about.  The law enforcement one day will not be allowed to carry anything but hand cuffs.  I can already see it and I know I'm not the only one.  Really they're going to take tazers away from cops?  Lets go over the facts.
Cops usually react to situations in the first place.  They don't bother you unless you are doing something you shouldn't be doing.  So that means that when you do get out of hand they need an advantage to calm you down or detain you or do whatever they need to without hurting or disrupting the rest of the public.  
Now is there not a better way to do this than to have the policeman have something that can stun the wrongdoer so that the cops and move the person from the area and people can get on with their lives and continue with what they were doing.  
Along comes this fantastic tool that allows cops to do that.  And after one incident where the tazer didn't even hit the person they want to take away the advantage.  Cops will always carry guns you want them to start using those for every situation?  I sure don't to many people would get hurt.  Someone needs to have the authority and ability that cops have now and taking that away from them is a disgrace.

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