Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grow Up

You know the news is dull and boring and we keep hearing the same stories over and over when CNN.com’s main story is about the movie Wild Things.  Read the opening paragraph.  Seriously people care about a movie this much?  They’re writing about how sad the kids are.  It's based off a book so why not have the kids read the book then we can hear about how sad the book is too.  What a joke. 

The news people should go out and find something good thats happening in the world.  If nothing bad is happening good.  About time now write about the happy people that are helping the homeless shelters and raising money and such.  Just because it’s good hearted and lovely doesn’t mean it has to be kept quiet. 

But the thing that got me is the article.  They really wrote an article about some kids being sad over a movie.  It’s a movie.  No where is it written that a kids movie has to be happy or sad or anything.  If your kid gets sad over it deal with it.  The kid is not going to be traumatized.  It’s a movie.  Seriously, who cares??


  1. yeah- where were the reporters when the movie "Return to OZ" made me VERY sad? They didn't care then, why now?

    They should totally focus on more important and intriguing issues like hoax weather balloon rides by supposedly lost children who... oh WAIT... that WAS all over the news and I DIDN'T care.

  2. The media wing is probably one of the more powerful/influential sections of out government/culture. They didnt get that way by running sotries people dont like watching. They know what stories get views and thats what they run. Smiley Faces and Sunshine doesnt sell. Teachers sleeping with students, and 15 years olds stabbing their younger brother does.
