Friday, October 9, 2009


Well I guess everybody has a view on this Nobel peace prize ordeal.  Obama is shocked as anybody because he doesn’t think he deserves it either.  Obviously well educated people did think he deserves it so he got it, but I mean come on, I thought people won this thing because they have showed that they can create world peace not because they can speak about creating world peace.  What happens when later in the Obama Administration something violent happens against the U.S?  We’ll just look at that lovely Nobel peace prize and say yeah!  He’s the man for that!! Good thing we gave him that Nobel peace prize.

But let me ask you this?  Who has won the prize in the last ten years?  Name me two people.  Just name me one.  Thats what I thought.  So if we don’t know who wins it ever then WHO CARES if Barack Muhammad, I’m sorry it’s Barack Hussain Obama wins the prize now?  

And what’s with Aubrey O’day complaining that someone took a nude photo of her.  Just like you I don’t know who Aubrey O’day is.  Apparently she is the feature in a show in Vegas and poses for PlayBoy.  Seriously, if you’re going to be someone like that you better expect people to have a nude photo of you.  If anyone wants a nude photo ANYONE can buy her edition of PlayBoy.  She’s REALLY going to complain about a picture of her?  REALLY? WHO CARES???

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