Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Justice System Is Awesome

If they didn't get this kid right now then he would have grown up to be a cereal killer.  Probably the biggest and deadliest one in the nation.  The kid brought a spoon and fork to school to eat with.  You're telling me that if i brought a yogurt to eat for lunch you wouldn't let me bring a spoon to eat it?  OUTLANDISH.  Get a life and let kids be kids.  Since when are six year olds to be tried as adults?  I'm sure he read the weapons policy and purposely disobeyed it by bringing a spoon to school.  He's really sticking it to the man.  You think if the kid wanted to do some damage he would have brought a knife and there would have been some other kid that felt threatened.  The only think that felt threatened was his food.  And maybe not even then because the "authorities" didn't let him use it!  
People need to realize what they're doing.  Do they not realize that kid is either going to be scared to take anything to school again, or he's eventually going to want to start something that shows how ridiculous the system is?  I say go for it kid.  Do something to show the school system how outrageously ridiculous the policies really are.  
It's going to come to the point where cell phones aren't allowed in school because some kids parents are scared that their kid is going to get cancer.  The suit is going to say that if one kid brings his cell phone then he's denying the other kids right of choosing not to be near something that gives cancer.  Since everything causes cancer theses days.  Let the kid go he's SIX YEARS OLD.  Get a life and worry about something that matters.  Like how to get the Reds to the playoffs. 
Visit this site it might be the most interesting thing I have read in a really long time.  FROZENBOOK.COM
It's some really creepy stuff mainly because it's all true.

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