Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I think i made up a new word.  Brillinatcy.  Use it when you can it'll get you far someday.  That is if anyone at all ever reads this.  I think what I'll do this time is type with out hitting the backspace button and we'll see how far that gets me. 
The link that is posted today is of one-take viedos that people have all done in one take.  it's actually very facinating that people can do this and that people take time to do this.  If your wondering what a one take video is it's where a video is ont edited at all.  One shot is fluent and is vener (never) cut from beginning till end.  
this is some neat stuff.  i think there should be a contest for one take videos.  there can be different catagories and everything.  Man i should come up with this contest and get sponsors and then i can make money and other people can make money and ill be famous and i would have started something big that would happen every year and then people would know my name but then i wouldn't have time to blog or finish this run-on sentence.  And that would be a shame so doesn't look like ill be starting up any contests any time soon.  
Did i do any good iwth not hitting the backspace button?

1 comment:

  1. I think there are competitions, i remember one of my film maker buddies entered into one. Mostly Indi tho. small contests.
