Thursday, October 15, 2009

Very Unique

These olympic medals such a great idea.  The opening ceremonies and the mascot pertain to the host country, why not the medals too.  This guy rips on how ugly he thinks these medals are but he wrote from his own point of view (which is the wrong point of view,)  dumb and very closed minded.  I bet that more countries start doing this.  You'll see.  Each country is going to want to add their own little unique addition to the medals from next year forth.  Canada started something.  Every olympics it's going to be a huge deal.  What is the next countries medals going to look like?  
These athletes are going to enjoy the unique design.  The very few people that are going to win these medals aren't going to care to much what it looks like anyways.  I'm pretty sure that they are more concerned about standing up on the podium listening to their national anthem.  
Plus what is this guy so worried about how ugly the medals are anyway?  He's never gonna get one.  So really why should he care?

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