Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Pilot

So this was started for a couple reasons. First i like typing on my keyboard, second i have nothing else in my life to do right now.  And third, doesn't everyone else in the world have a blog?
So it's entitled REALLY... who cares?  Why is it you may ask.  Because in my short yet somewhat eventful life i have noticed there are things in this world that people really care about for absolutely no reason.  I guess I'm here to maybe shed some light on why they care so much, maybe poke humor at them a little bit and then hopefully, if anyone at all ever reads this, someone might ask themselves... why do i care?
So here it is... im conforming to society in a way that I never thought I would.  I thought i would never care to blog i always thought blogging was for people who didn't have anything better to do.  I guess for the most part I'm right.  But out of the boredom comes something new. Something that I hope comes of some good in the world at some point.  But until that day all this will be is (drum roll please) another pointless blog.

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