Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Knew It

I knew it.  This is the start of what I said would happen in my "Our Justice System Is Awesome" post about cell phones causing cancer.    As of right now there is no proof.  Does it cause brain cancer only because you hold it to your head?  So, people that keep it in there pocket all the time are going to get thigh cancer?  My favorite part about this article is that it says all that would happen is that the box would have a warning of "may cause brain cancer."  Yet once there is a warning on the box parents are going to freak out and want there kids protected from it.  This lady uses a cell phone anyways.  If she 100 percent truly believed it she would find a different way to communicate.   Until something is proven nothing is going to happen.
In a previous blog I did comment on how don't hate Tigers game because what he has done as a person.  I also said that I wouldn't stand up for Mr. Cage because of what he did as a person.  Look at me contradicting myself.  I guess I have to pick which I shall do, hate Tiger or stand up for Cage.  I'm going to go with standing up for Cage.  I can't hate his movies because of his stupidity.  That's like hating the Reds because they lose.  
Cell phones are going to be not allowed to be in schools.  It may take 45 years but I'll be alive saying; I don't care, I'm not in school. 

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