Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just, Back Off

What Adam Lambert did is a disgrace.  It's wrong and dirty, nasty violating and disgusting.  Things like what he did should be put to shame.  I don't even know why that kid is even famous.  He can't sing and he does nasty things like stick his face where it should not be.  People talk about it like it was shocking but not wrong.  It makes me so angry and it is so gross to talk about that I can't even describe how disgusting it really is.
Tiger Woods.  Why are people even talking about him?  Leave the man alone.  If anything is going to be said about him it should only be said about his golf game.  I read that one lady said cheating is bad but he did not cheat the game.  (take it how you want to)  I do not think that people should stop watching him.  I think they should support his golfing skills and leave his personal life alone.  Don't hate athletes because of their personal life.  Hate or love them because of what they do on the field.  I'm sure Barry Bonds is a good guy.  I hate him because he is illegal on the field.  And don't you dare try and convince anyone that he did not use steroids.  
Jim Rome said that Tiger can not turn his famousness on and off.  What he really said is the media is allowed to meddle into anyone's life that they feel like.  There are non-famous people that do one stupid thing and the media makes them famous.  It's not their skill or talent or ideas that make them famous.  Its the stupid media exploiting them in such a ridiculous way.  
It's almost like news people go looking for something bad to write about good people.  O wait, that is exactly what they do.  Miley Cyrus made a silly face to the camera (a long while ago) and the media said she was making fun of chinese people.  Really?  Yes, really, they took it that far.  Or when people say Bill Clinton was a bad president.  Why do they say that?  Because of the personal life that he lead. (Or did he do bad things for America?)
I guess if what you are going to be judged on is your personal life, then we should make sure that our personal lives are good.  Smoking is bad, we should all hate every famous person who smokes.
I once (or more) read the news looking for actual news.  I did not find anything worth talking about to any of my peers because not one thing mattered.  People try and make news of nothing.  

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