Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Obvious

No, you can't have to much talent on one team. If the coach and players are concerned about having to much talent then get a new coach who knows how to use all the talent. If you take the top 10 high school players and they all go to the same school you better have a coach that knows how to coach those players. You can never have to much talent if you know how to use it correctly, DUH.
Really? We only watch four second plays in football? Who knew that? Just about everybody who watches the game thats who.,213941
You get 30 seconds after each play and usually the ball is snapped in about 20 seconds. Plays take 2-4 seconds. Everyone who watches the game knows that. Come on people write me an article that teaches me something.
Who is Arenas? Your almost better than average basketball player thats who. So why is he in the news? For carrying a gun illegally. O, that's right I forgot that happens everyday to ordinary people but it's big news when an almost famous basketball player does it. WHO CARES?
It's such a duh statement. No one should argue with it, it makes perfect sense. If China is the only one prospering then obvisouly it's going to be the next one to crash. Every nation in the world has its ups and downs and when the nation gets to the top then it can only go down. It can't go up forever. But, of course since this guy stated the obvious then we have to label him as a genius.

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