Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Shame (not)

Air America is offline. What is Air America. Exactly, so who cares? If anyone did care then it wouldn't be going off line because someone would do something about it. It is a little satisfying to me that a liberal talk show cannot continue. I do believe it's because their views are so ludicrous that few people want to hear about them.
I recently heard someone say that it is just terrible that one radio station can flourish and another perish. Why is that terrible? If a company can do it let them. Do not hinder the abilities of someone to grow and make money. This man wants the government to step in when unfairness is happening and regulate a fair solution. Seriously? He want's the government to babysit? Go live in a country where they actually do that and see how you like it. I wish that guy would go have a one-on-one with almost any senator just so they would tell him that that is not how it works and that's not how it's ever going to work. What a fool that person is.

That's like saying that candidates running for office have to spend an equal amount of dollars on advertising. Last time I checked the president that won was the president that spent the most on campaigning. It's all about the Benjamin's buddy. That's how America works.

Of course, his views will never (I know I should never say never) in America be carried out, so really let him say what he want's I don't care.

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