Thursday, July 22, 2010

So This Is The Real Reason

Let me tell you something about this article. PATHETIC. Lame, and most of all ridiculous. Articles like these are the worst. What do they tell us about America? People are dumb. (read these next two sentences in a whiny girl voice) Don't eat the apple, buy organic. Filter your water, buy lean meats.
One thing that America is just terrible about it filtered water. If the water wasn't safe to begin with you would be told. It's happened before where they tell counties to boil there water because they have to get the filter system fixed or something. But no. People see that something is "safer for them to drink" so they flock to it.
Buy organic? So you can pay more for a smaller product that's not any more healthy and possibly bug infested? This article tells you that there are pesticides that are going to make you fat from eating a vegetable or fruit. I laugh in there face. O my, o my. I don't understand how people come up with these things. Most of the dirt on a fruit is from people picking it up at the grocery store then putting it back. Wash your fruits and veggies dummies. There is a great product out there call FIT. It really works wonders try it sometime I dare you.
What gets me is that it says that traditional diets don't work anymore. What a joke. Eat a good balance of the food groups, work on your cardio, and do some weight lifting and you will lose weight. Have you seen the Biggest Loser? They eat apples and they still lose weight. Now you tell me that they train every day for six hours and and they are in a competition and blah blah blah. You don't have to lose that much weight that fast to be successful. All you have to do is stick with your diet and excercise and never give up.
Most diets eventually stop working because your body gets used to them after a time. So keep your excersices changing and your diet correct and stick with it. That's the issue people always have. They do it for three months then don't see the end result that they want so they stop. No, no, no. Do it for a year or two and you'll get to where you want to be.
Seriously you thought you were getting fat because the apple you were eating and the water your drinking? What a joke.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Shame (not)

Air America is offline. What is Air America. Exactly, so who cares? If anyone did care then it wouldn't be going off line because someone would do something about it. It is a little satisfying to me that a liberal talk show cannot continue. I do believe it's because their views are so ludicrous that few people want to hear about them.
I recently heard someone say that it is just terrible that one radio station can flourish and another perish. Why is that terrible? If a company can do it let them. Do not hinder the abilities of someone to grow and make money. This man wants the government to step in when unfairness is happening and regulate a fair solution. Seriously? He want's the government to babysit? Go live in a country where they actually do that and see how you like it. I wish that guy would go have a one-on-one with almost any senator just so they would tell him that that is not how it works and that's not how it's ever going to work. What a fool that person is.

That's like saying that candidates running for office have to spend an equal amount of dollars on advertising. Last time I checked the president that won was the president that spent the most on campaigning. It's all about the Benjamin's buddy. That's how America works.

Of course, his views will never (I know I should never say never) in America be carried out, so really let him say what he want's I don't care.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Obvious

No, you can't have to much talent on one team. If the coach and players are concerned about having to much talent then get a new coach who knows how to use all the talent. If you take the top 10 high school players and they all go to the same school you better have a coach that knows how to coach those players. You can never have to much talent if you know how to use it correctly, DUH.
Really? We only watch four second plays in football? Who knew that? Just about everybody who watches the game thats who.,213941
You get 30 seconds after each play and usually the ball is snapped in about 20 seconds. Plays take 2-4 seconds. Everyone who watches the game knows that. Come on people write me an article that teaches me something.
Who is Arenas? Your almost better than average basketball player thats who. So why is he in the news? For carrying a gun illegally. O, that's right I forgot that happens everyday to ordinary people but it's big news when an almost famous basketball player does it. WHO CARES?
It's such a duh statement. No one should argue with it, it makes perfect sense. If China is the only one prospering then obvisouly it's going to be the next one to crash. Every nation in the world has its ups and downs and when the nation gets to the top then it can only go down. It can't go up forever. But, of course since this guy stated the obvious then we have to label him as a genius.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Lucky Us

Isn't it great that we live in a country where on the radio it was stated and I closely quote, "The big news for today, Jay Leno was offered his old job at NBC back." WHO CARES!? Seriously it's not even a little bit of a big deal. Are people going to change their schedules so that they can watch him? NO, their going to leave TIVO on to record Jay Leno. Or be like normal people and not watch him.
I have to wear safety glasses for eight hours a day. It's really annoying. Iv'e never seen a movie in 3D and I don't want to just because it would be annoying to wear those stupid glasses for two hours. It's time already that they invent some other way to watch 3D movies. When that happens someone is going to be extremely rich. I wish that person was me. Sadly it doesn't look like it's going to be.
One of my favorite things to hear people complain about is parking spaces. If they can't find one or their complaining about how someone can't park it's really entertaining. When that's most important thing in your life to worry and pout about (or how someone needs to invent a new way to watch 3D movies), you know you have it made.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

But I Really Don't Care

AT&T's commercials are garbage. Watch the Verzion commercials about how their maps are so good, then watch AT&T's dumb commercial. Seriously their commercials have nothing to do with their coverage. That's because they know that their coverage stinks. All they say is we have better smart phones and have the fastest 3G network in the nation. Having the fastest coverage doesn't do anything for you if you don't have the coverage for it dummies. People who have AT&T coverage are all about it too. Always saying how they have the best coverage. Worthless. Countless times I've had coverage on my humble Sprint service where AT&T had spotty coverage. But my phone service is so good I don't care just go ahead and get coverageless iPhone.
Who cares if someone takes your picture? You know who you are. The pansy (that's right) who covers the face or runs away when a camera comes out. IT'S JUST A PICTURE. That's not the only picture of you, it's not the first picture of you and it won't be the last. Get over yourself and let the picture be taken. We all know you don't care you just wanna make a scene.
Working on an assembly line is not an ideal job.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Knew It

I knew it.  This is the start of what I said would happen in my "Our Justice System Is Awesome" post about cell phones causing cancer.    As of right now there is no proof.  Does it cause brain cancer only because you hold it to your head?  So, people that keep it in there pocket all the time are going to get thigh cancer?  My favorite part about this article is that it says all that would happen is that the box would have a warning of "may cause brain cancer."  Yet once there is a warning on the box parents are going to freak out and want there kids protected from it.  This lady uses a cell phone anyways.  If she 100 percent truly believed it she would find a different way to communicate.   Until something is proven nothing is going to happen.
In a previous blog I did comment on how don't hate Tigers game because what he has done as a person.  I also said that I wouldn't stand up for Mr. Cage because of what he did as a person.  Look at me contradicting myself.  I guess I have to pick which I shall do, hate Tiger or stand up for Cage.  I'm going to go with standing up for Cage.  I can't hate his movies because of his stupidity.  That's like hating the Reds because they lose.  
Cell phones are going to be not allowed to be in schools.  It may take 45 years but I'll be alive saying; I don't care, I'm not in school. 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Touch a Life

This time it's ok to care. Christmas is a time of caring. It really is. Even if you're not volunteering at a soup kitchen or something of the likes, you can find ways to touch lives. And you should care if you do touch a life or not. That's one thing that I truly believe in this world. Every single person has something to offer. Everyone. There is not one person in this world that is not supposed to be someone else's light, support, guide, or love. If everyone knew this and lived by it think of how much better the world would be. I don't want to sound prideful but that is one thing that I try and do whenever I meet someone new. I try and see how good people really are. I think I'm a bold person when it comes to talking to someone I've never met and I really think that it helps people see who they really are.
Touch a life. There is two weeks till Christmas and then there is even a week till New Years that I would say go ahead and add that time to touch a life. Three weeks people. I'm sure you can find a way to open a door, give a little time, or put forth more effort than normal when giving a gift. Most of the time the best way to touch a life is to just spend time talking to someone. Really care about there interests and abilities. Go out of your comfort zone and you will realize your comfort zone is a lot more expandable than you think. Remember: Touch a Life