Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Knew It

I knew it.  This is the start of what I said would happen in my "Our Justice System Is Awesome" post about cell phones causing cancer.    As of right now there is no proof.  Does it cause brain cancer only because you hold it to your head?  So, people that keep it in there pocket all the time are going to get thigh cancer?  My favorite part about this article is that it says all that would happen is that the box would have a warning of "may cause brain cancer."  Yet once there is a warning on the box parents are going to freak out and want there kids protected from it.  This lady uses a cell phone anyways.  If she 100 percent truly believed it she would find a different way to communicate.   Until something is proven nothing is going to happen.
In a previous blog I did comment on how don't hate Tigers game because what he has done as a person.  I also said that I wouldn't stand up for Mr. Cage because of what he did as a person.  Look at me contradicting myself.  I guess I have to pick which I shall do, hate Tiger or stand up for Cage.  I'm going to go with standing up for Cage.  I can't hate his movies because of his stupidity.  That's like hating the Reds because they lose.  
Cell phones are going to be not allowed to be in schools.  It may take 45 years but I'll be alive saying; I don't care, I'm not in school. 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Touch a Life

This time it's ok to care. Christmas is a time of caring. It really is. Even if you're not volunteering at a soup kitchen or something of the likes, you can find ways to touch lives. And you should care if you do touch a life or not. That's one thing that I truly believe in this world. Every single person has something to offer. Everyone. There is not one person in this world that is not supposed to be someone else's light, support, guide, or love. If everyone knew this and lived by it think of how much better the world would be. I don't want to sound prideful but that is one thing that I try and do whenever I meet someone new. I try and see how good people really are. I think I'm a bold person when it comes to talking to someone I've never met and I really think that it helps people see who they really are.
Touch a life. There is two weeks till Christmas and then there is even a week till New Years that I would say go ahead and add that time to touch a life. Three weeks people. I'm sure you can find a way to open a door, give a little time, or put forth more effort than normal when giving a gift. Most of the time the best way to touch a life is to just spend time talking to someone. Really care about there interests and abilities. Go out of your comfort zone and you will realize your comfort zone is a lot more expandable than you think. Remember: Touch a Life

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just, Back Off

What Adam Lambert did is a disgrace.  It's wrong and dirty, nasty violating and disgusting.  Things like what he did should be put to shame.  I don't even know why that kid is even famous.  He can't sing and he does nasty things like stick his face where it should not be.  People talk about it like it was shocking but not wrong.  It makes me so angry and it is so gross to talk about that I can't even describe how disgusting it really is.
Tiger Woods.  Why are people even talking about him?  Leave the man alone.  If anything is going to be said about him it should only be said about his golf game.  I read that one lady said cheating is bad but he did not cheat the game.  (take it how you want to)  I do not think that people should stop watching him.  I think they should support his golfing skills and leave his personal life alone.  Don't hate athletes because of their personal life.  Hate or love them because of what they do on the field.  I'm sure Barry Bonds is a good guy.  I hate him because he is illegal on the field.  And don't you dare try and convince anyone that he did not use steroids.  
Jim Rome said that Tiger can not turn his famousness on and off.  What he really said is the media is allowed to meddle into anyone's life that they feel like.  There are non-famous people that do one stupid thing and the media makes them famous.  It's not their skill or talent or ideas that make them famous.  Its the stupid media exploiting them in such a ridiculous way.  
It's almost like news people go looking for something bad to write about good people.  O wait, that is exactly what they do.  Miley Cyrus made a silly face to the camera (a long while ago) and the media said she was making fun of chinese people.  Really?  Yes, really, they took it that far.  Or when people say Bill Clinton was a bad president.  Why do they say that?  Because of the personal life that he lead. (Or did he do bad things for America?)
I guess if what you are going to be judged on is your personal life, then we should make sure that our personal lives are good.  Smoking is bad, we should all hate every famous person who smokes.
I once (or more) read the news looking for actual news.  I did not find anything worth talking about to any of my peers because not one thing mattered.  People try and make news of nothing.  

Saturday, November 21, 2009


All right about time. These guys are going to create a black hole. No there going to create a new world. No there going to create anit-matter. Well whatever they create it's a good thing they did it. It will be interesting to see what will happen when they do get this thing to work. Really though what is it going to solve? The world is going to not believe in God anymore? Is that what they are trying to prove? I don't know what they are trying to prove, actually they don't even know what they are trying to prove, but it's a good thing that they are going to prove it.
You can save time by making a schedule then working backwards. Or you can just make a list of what you need to do and do it without procrastinating.
Oprah is off the air. About time. Have I ever watched Oprah? No. So I care if she leaves T.V.? No. Really who cares? Maybe people will decide that they can live there own lives now instead of living through someone else's. I'm thinking that if we all just worried about ourselves and used common sense then this is just a guess but i do imagine that we would be a less controversial world.
Until then America will just make stupid laws and worry about things that aren't real and we will all live in a world of scare. Or you could be like me (I know who would want to) and realize that all these things are things that don't matter.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who Would Have Thunk?

Those silly Californians.  What is there deal?  I think what they do politically should not be allowed to be shared with the rest of the country.  It's just over the top.  On one hand i do see a point.  And thats the money saving part of it.  But if they would just realize themselves that they are allowed to turn off the T.V. then maybe some stupid law wouldn't force these silly regulations.  Turn it off and get a life would they please.  It's really not that hard to not watch the television I promise.  
Ok I haven't posted in a while, sorry about that I got a job.  
Nicolas Cage is serious about his money manager.  HAHA.  O my that kills me.  If he was so bad then Mr. Cage should have fired him many years ago.  I'm talking about before Nick didn't have enough to buy: four yachts, 15 homes, 22 cars, 47 pieces of artwork and exotic items, and just on the side he did make two small purchases,  both being castles in England. 
I used to stand up for Nicolas.  Many of my peers think that he is a terrible actor but I have always liked his movies.  Now I don't care what people say about him because he is quite the idiot to try and get 20 million from his money manager who is counter suing for just the 129 thousand that Mr. Cage has not yet paid him for this years salary. 
And then we have Mrs. Palin.  O why, why do we still have her?  What significance does she still have that she is on Oprah?  It's sickening.  Let her be.  Oprah actually asked Sarah if her very own son was invited to Thanksgiving.  That's just plain wrong.  Who does that on national television.  Silly Oprah, of course.  That woman could literally kill someone on stage with some type of justification and more than millions of people would watch it and love it and worship her still.  It's just sickening.  
On a lighter note.  The best toothbrush ever to used by me is Oral B crossed action toothbrush.  It is the only toothbrush that easily removes frosted mini wheats from the very back molars.  So sleep on that.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here You Go

Spiritual questions require spiritual answers.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Who's Not Tired Of It?

The news makes me so angry I am sick of reading it and commenting on it.  People get scared over nothing all the time.  It's just sickening that everything over the news is scared.  People I guess like living in fear and they like being afraid of the world.  Beef recalls, ecoli has been found in 12 people o no.  School systems are cracking down on people bringing harmless items to school.  In California one neighbor is suing another because they say the cigar and cigarette smoke it settling and creating a fog over their back porch and not leaving.  Has anyone ever heard of that?  And wouldn't going over to the neighbor and talking to them maybe fix something?  Of course not.  Only the courts can solve peoples problems that's why we have courts duh.   Here is the one thing that I wish people would realize.  People are different.  If they don't see how you see it then move on and find someone who will appreciate you and let the other people be.  Is that really so hard to do?  
When you find yourself in a situation where your about to get angry or stress out immensely step back and ask yourself.  REALLY?? DO I CARE?  My favorite question to ask myself is.  Will this effect me next week, month, or year?  And if i say no to any of those then usually I just let it go.  More people need to do the same.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Depressing Really

You know what is heard about every day in the news?  Stupid, stupid consequences for the most ridiculous things.  This people are so outrageously overly concerned about that the one time it happens someone has to be overly punished for it.  Like the kid that brought the camping utensil to school.  Or today I heard about a girl in 5th grade that brought shotgun shells, not bullets, just shells to school and got suspended because they were considered ammunition.  I didn’t know that shells could be fired twice.  Riddle me that. 

Now the term Christmas tree is being questioned.  It is now a holiday tree.  My question is why?  I’m going to just throw this out there.  Why is it that no other celebrated term is not discriminated against?  The reason corporate places say happy holidays is because they wanted to take out the Christmas term. Is it still ok to wish a happy Kwanzaa, or a happy Hanukkah or anything else, or is Christmas the only thing that is being taken out?  Last time I looked most people in America were ok with being told Merry Christmas.  Is this not a land of the free?  We’ll they took away my right to buy a Christmas tree and I want it back.  

I think the thing that gets me is the fact that someone cared enough to go through the effort to make a big enough issue to write up a document and have it voted on to take away the sayings.  I can’t believe this guy cared this much.  I’ll bet you it’s because someone didn’t want their kid seeing something.  It all has to go back to authority and someone wanting power and the only thing that makes sense in my mind would be that.  

Please continue to say Merry Christmas to people you meet.  Don’t even jokingly correct your self with the happy holidays saying.  Continue the american tradition and what you know is right by telling everyone, Merry Christmas.  That is unless you know for a fact that they celebrate something else.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I think i made up a new word.  Brillinatcy.  Use it when you can it'll get you far someday.  That is if anyone at all ever reads this.  I think what I'll do this time is type with out hitting the backspace button and we'll see how far that gets me. 
The link that is posted today is of one-take viedos that people have all done in one take.  it's actually very facinating that people can do this and that people take time to do this.  If your wondering what a one take video is it's where a video is ont edited at all.  One shot is fluent and is vener (never) cut from beginning till end.  
this is some neat stuff.  i think there should be a contest for one take videos.  there can be different catagories and everything.  Man i should come up with this contest and get sponsors and then i can make money and other people can make money and ill be famous and i would have started something big that would happen every year and then people would know my name but then i wouldn't have time to blog or finish this run-on sentence.  And that would be a shame so doesn't look like ill be starting up any contests any time soon.  
Did i do any good iwth not hitting the backspace button?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

So True

This one speaks for itself.

I think my link is a perfect example of this statement.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Worked Up Over Nothing

This is something that I absolutely hate people complain about.  The law enforcement one day will not be allowed to carry anything but hand cuffs.  I can already see it and I know I'm not the only one.  Really they're going to take tazers away from cops?  Lets go over the facts.
Cops usually react to situations in the first place.  They don't bother you unless you are doing something you shouldn't be doing.  So that means that when you do get out of hand they need an advantage to calm you down or detain you or do whatever they need to without hurting or disrupting the rest of the public.  
Now is there not a better way to do this than to have the policeman have something that can stun the wrongdoer so that the cops and move the person from the area and people can get on with their lives and continue with what they were doing.  
Along comes this fantastic tool that allows cops to do that.  And after one incident where the tazer didn't even hit the person they want to take away the advantage.  Cops will always carry guns you want them to start using those for every situation?  I sure don't to many people would get hurt.  Someone needs to have the authority and ability that cops have now and taking that away from them is a disgrace.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grow Up

You know the news is dull and boring and we keep hearing the same stories over and over when’s main story is about the movie Wild Things.  Read the opening paragraph.  Seriously people care about a movie this much?  They’re writing about how sad the kids are.  It's based off a book so why not have the kids read the book then we can hear about how sad the book is too.  What a joke. 

The news people should go out and find something good thats happening in the world.  If nothing bad is happening good.  About time now write about the happy people that are helping the homeless shelters and raising money and such.  Just because it’s good hearted and lovely doesn’t mean it has to be kept quiet. 

But the thing that got me is the article.  They really wrote an article about some kids being sad over a movie.  It’s a movie.  No where is it written that a kids movie has to be happy or sad or anything.  If your kid gets sad over it deal with it.  The kid is not going to be traumatized.  It’s a movie.  Seriously, who cares??

Monday, October 19, 2009

You Gotta Be Kidding

Don’t microwave your food it’s going to kill the nutrients.  Since thats what americans care about.  First off microwaver’s ( people who use the microwave for anything that involves heating up food.  Im talking these people would microwave cakes if they could) don’t care about nutrients.  If they did care they wouldn’t be buying microwaveable food!  O, that makes to much sense to put in the news.  

Here’s a news flash, steaming vegetables takes nutrients out of them too.  Did I break some peoples hearts?  Santa’s not real either.  I guess the only way to eat food is raw.  Uncooked so we get all the nutrients.  If your not getting all the nutrients possible then your not going to live.  If you care that much take a vitamin.  Food just isn’t what it used to be folks.  We need to start finding alternative food sources or the planet is going to fail.     Somebody please just end this now before it goes way to far.  Seriously.... WHO CARES? "Organic for nutrients and safety" is my favorite. 

“What you may be saving in money now on commercial produce you are surely losing in health later.”  This makes me laugh.  Your really going to add significant time to your life if you eat organic food.  Just ask anyone who lives to be older than 90 what the secret to a long life is.  They’ll be more than sure to tell you that it’s eating organic vegetables.   

Use FIT if you want to clean your vegetables.  It’s by far outrageously the best cleaner on the market. Eventually we’re going to have microwaves labeled “nutrient friendly,” and “organic microwaves.”  Thats just another invention I came up with that I won’t be putting into production and somebody else will make millions on. 

But, until then I’m just going to ask my one day famous question.  When it comes to “should I microwave my vegetables or not” REALLY?? WHO CARES.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Isn't That Nice?

Wondering why my background is black?  Me neither.  I did choose black because all the other templates are lame.  Then I realized I’m going green.  Ever heard of Blackle?  Try going to  Google decided to make there page a black background instead of white because it saves energy.  Really?? WHO CARES.  They even tell you how much energy they are saving right on that page.   

I gotta be honest.  I do enjoy using it only because my eyes adjust to the black better than the white.  But really?  I guess people are doing all the ridiculous and littlest things they can to save our earth.  

 Keep at it because one day were going to look back and say if we didn’t have Blackle (and me, since so many people visit my blog) saving all those Watt hours, the world would have already ended.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Very Unique

These olympic medals such a great idea.  The opening ceremonies and the mascot pertain to the host country, why not the medals too.  This guy rips on how ugly he thinks these medals are but he wrote from his own point of view (which is the wrong point of view,)  dumb and very closed minded.  I bet that more countries start doing this.  You'll see.  Each country is going to want to add their own little unique addition to the medals from next year forth.  Canada started something.  Every olympics it's going to be a huge deal.  What is the next countries medals going to look like?  
These athletes are going to enjoy the unique design.  The very few people that are going to win these medals aren't going to care to much what it looks like anyways.  I'm pretty sure that they are more concerned about standing up on the podium listening to their national anthem.  
Plus what is this guy so worried about how ugly the medals are anyway?  He's never gonna get one.  So really why should he care?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Justice System Is Awesome

If they didn't get this kid right now then he would have grown up to be a cereal killer.  Probably the biggest and deadliest one in the nation.  The kid brought a spoon and fork to school to eat with.  You're telling me that if i brought a yogurt to eat for lunch you wouldn't let me bring a spoon to eat it?  OUTLANDISH.  Get a life and let kids be kids.  Since when are six year olds to be tried as adults?  I'm sure he read the weapons policy and purposely disobeyed it by bringing a spoon to school.  He's really sticking it to the man.  You think if the kid wanted to do some damage he would have brought a knife and there would have been some other kid that felt threatened.  The only think that felt threatened was his food.  And maybe not even then because the "authorities" didn't let him use it!  
People need to realize what they're doing.  Do they not realize that kid is either going to be scared to take anything to school again, or he's eventually going to want to start something that shows how ridiculous the system is?  I say go for it kid.  Do something to show the school system how outrageously ridiculous the policies really are.  
It's going to come to the point where cell phones aren't allowed in school because some kids parents are scared that their kid is going to get cancer.  The suit is going to say that if one kid brings his cell phone then he's denying the other kids right of choosing not to be near something that gives cancer.  Since everything causes cancer theses days.  Let the kid go he's SIX YEARS OLD.  Get a life and worry about something that matters.  Like how to get the Reds to the playoffs. 
Visit this site it might be the most interesting thing I have read in a really long time.  FROZENBOOK.COM
It's some really creepy stuff mainly because it's all true.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Enough's Enough

I can’t believe I’m writing about this.  People are actually looking into this 2012 ordeal.  Really?  People actually think that this sorta thing is predictable?  HAHA, I laugh at you in your face.  Ok, so we ask the Mayans what they think.  And just as I thought they don’t care either.  Lay off it.  WHO CARES?  

"The question I would ask these guys is, so what?" says Phil Plait, an astronomer who runs the "Bad Astronomy" blog. He says the alignment doesn't fall precisely in 2012, and distant stars exert no force that could harm Earth. (from the link I sent you to)

My man Phil is so right on this one

There calender is going to end then somehow they will get a new one.  Who would have thought?

What are you going to do about it anyway?  Go to church more?  Good thats what you should have been doing all your life.  Stock up on food and shelter waayy underground and keep plenty of batteries and lots of appliances that run off of them?  You can't stop it if it is going to happen and you can't live if it does happen and it's not going to happen.  And thats what I thought, you don’t care either.  

Face it your going to die one day there is not one way to stop it.  As for 2012 this thing is going to blow up right before it happens and then when the day is past no one will care anymore.  REALLY?? WHO CARES.  Exactly.  Point proven.  Now enjoy living till 2013 and beyond.

Relax, GOSH

Seriously RELAX.  The man has a few years to get it done.  (imagine me saying this my voice is normal tone at first and by the end it is loud and energetic) He's not super man and democracy doesn't do everything in one day it's not how the system works.  HE'S BEEN IN OFFICE FOR NOT EVEN NINE MONTHS.  CALM DOWN.  He knows it's on the agenda.  If you want him to get things done let him do it.  May I remind you that our country is at war whether you like it or not and thats what he's taking care of and it's what he should be taking care of.  Why do you think other countries like the guy so much?  Because of his foreign issues stance duh.  So what has he been doing the last eight months?  Working on those issues duh.  
People, open your eyes and let him deal with what needs to be dealt with first.  There are people dying in the military and your worried about your gay friend being able to tell someone!  Don't you realize that the gay guy fighting for the United States of America could just die tomorrow and then it doesn't even matter if he's gay.  GOOLLLY.  People, look at the issues that matter and quit being selfish.  
You think a march on Washington is going to do what?  Nothing exactly.  and the sad thing is you know it.  The people marching know that it's not going to happen over night if at all so why do it?  WHO CARES??  Not the people in Washington i can tell you that.  For a lot of people it probably wants them to care less if they even can.
 On the flip side I say there right.  Who cares if the guy next to you tells you he's gay.  I can only imagine that he's the one thats going to get picked on and beat with soap in the sock, and the guys will make him shower alone.  O darn someone's feelings got hurt.  Don't even get me started on that subject.  Send me an address and I'll get you a free copy when the book comes out.
So take a step back and lets focus on what really needs to be taken care of here.  My stomach just growled at me and I'm going to feed it.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Well I guess everybody has a view on this Nobel peace prize ordeal.  Obama is shocked as anybody because he doesn’t think he deserves it either.  Obviously well educated people did think he deserves it so he got it, but I mean come on, I thought people won this thing because they have showed that they can create world peace not because they can speak about creating world peace.  What happens when later in the Obama Administration something violent happens against the U.S?  We’ll just look at that lovely Nobel peace prize and say yeah!  He’s the man for that!! Good thing we gave him that Nobel peace prize.

But let me ask you this?  Who has won the prize in the last ten years?  Name me two people.  Just name me one.  Thats what I thought.  So if we don’t know who wins it ever then WHO CARES if Barack Muhammad, I’m sorry it’s Barack Hussain Obama wins the prize now?  

And what’s with Aubrey O’day complaining that someone took a nude photo of her.  Just like you I don’t know who Aubrey O’day is.  Apparently she is the feature in a show in Vegas and poses for PlayBoy.  Seriously, if you’re going to be someone like that you better expect people to have a nude photo of you.  If anyone wants a nude photo ANYONE can buy her edition of PlayBoy.  She’s REALLY going to complain about a picture of her?  REALLY? WHO CARES???

Go Right Ahead

So Nasa decides to fly essentially a bomb into the moon and capture it’s particles and see if there is any traces of water that comes from it.  It’s all over the news.  Some people actually care that what they are blowing costs 97 million dollars.  “It’s your tax dollars they’re just wasting.”  WAISTING? You want to talk to us about the government wasting money?  Plus what about those space shuttles that blew up?  Sure it wasn’t done on purpose but it still happened and those were the people’s tax dollars.  I hate to do it but I’m going to send you to a few websites to show government wasting money.  

This first one shows you just how much funding NASA really gets.  Notice the percentage of Federal Budget that they recieve. Http://  Yea thats sooo much.

Ok so lets look at what the budget has been over the last few years.

Yea.. Tell me that NASA is taking all our tax money. 

Now these next two are my favorite.  They are just a sample of what government wasteful spending really is.

I say continue on NASA.  Enjoy all the money you can spend.  97 million adds up to nothing compared to all wastefulness of congress.  So honestly after knowing how much money is thrown around and “lost” in our beloved government, WHO CARES if NASA uses our money for science?  At least we know what it’s being used for and we’ll be told the results.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Pilot

So this was started for a couple reasons. First i like typing on my keyboard, second i have nothing else in my life to do right now.  And third, doesn't everyone else in the world have a blog?
So it's entitled REALLY... who cares?  Why is it you may ask.  Because in my short yet somewhat eventful life i have noticed there are things in this world that people really care about for absolutely no reason.  I guess I'm here to maybe shed some light on why they care so much, maybe poke humor at them a little bit and then hopefully, if anyone at all ever reads this, someone might ask themselves... why do i care?
So here it is... im conforming to society in a way that I never thought I would.  I thought i would never care to blog i always thought blogging was for people who didn't have anything better to do.  I guess for the most part I'm right.  But out of the boredom comes something new. Something that I hope comes of some good in the world at some point.  But until that day all this will be is (drum roll please) another pointless blog.